140501 – Mantras


Michelle Atwood is putting a team together for Relay for Life.  Michelle is a cancer survivor and a CFV family member.  Please donate HERE.  BTW, those aren’t Michelle’s feet… I don’t think.

“Discipline is merely choosing between what you want right NOW, and what you want the MOST.”

People have asked me what I think about while I’m running since I don’t wear headphones, to which I usually respond “I don’t, I just run.” which is not entirely true.  During shorter runs I typically already have a head full of normal daily stuff floating around “What am I doing in class today?” “Did I pay my phone bill?”, etc.  Running for many people is therapeutic for this very reason.  It’s personal time where one can sort through events of the day and decompress.  But after a few hours, these thoughts are usually resolved and we’re left with only the sound of our feet on the trail and our own breathing.  “If you don’t have an answer to your problems after a 4 hour run, you ain’t getting them.” Chris McDougal Born to Run.  While I’m not totally against running with an iPod listening to your favorite tunes, I feel like they can detract from the whole experience of trailrunning.  Personally I love engaging with the trail, mountain, or rock and just being in the moment… not trying to escape somewhere else through the distraction of music.  Headphones can also be a nuisance and even a safety issue in certain instances, like in traffic or during a crowded race on singletrack.  For those of us who choose to run unplugged it helps to have something to keep the mind occupied during long grueling ultra solo efforts. Most distance runners I know have some personal form of a running-mantra… a silent mental pep-talk if you will.  Some people pick a distant object and run to it, “Almost there, almost there”…then pick a new object a little farther, continually winning small battles.  Others keep track of the miles, or miles to go… “5 more miles, just 5 more…”  I try not to ever do this as I find it demoralizing, but it works for some people.  For me, I silently repeat to myself “smooth, easy, relaxed… smooth, easy, relaxed” when things get really difficult.  It helps me tighten up my running form, relax my upper body, and glide almost effortlessly down the trail.  S.E.R. is also an acronym of the Spanish word “ser”, which means “to be”.  This thought allows me to live in the present, and manage the moment without concerning myself with “When will I be done?”, “When can I stop?”.  My good friend Joe Prusaitis once told me “When things are going well in a 100miler, don’t get used to it because it ain’t gonna last… and when things are going badly, don’t let it crush you because it ain’t gonna last either.”  There will be highs and lows if the mileage is big enough, what’s important is finding what gets you through the lows and allows you to press on.  What’s YOUR running or pre-lift mantra?

Outlaw – rest day or move easy & mobility

CFV Thursday WOD

Press Progression

Strict Press 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Push Press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Push Jerk 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

*Increase weight each set.  Weight used on last set of strict press is used on first set of push press.


open WOD 12.1 (Z isn’t going to make any friends with this.)

7min AMRAP of…


I think Grady has gym-record of ~135x.  Enjoy.

*Optional “fun”

“Bring Sally Up” squats @95/65#


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