140602 – YG and Running Template


If you’re coming to the Young Gun summer camp and are wondering what you’ll be doing, it will basically be almost identical to the Outlaw Program.  I plan to change just a few things in it to tailor it for you young guys, but just know you’ll be throwing around heavy things at the gym every session.  Let’s do work.

Also, with the coming of summer, I will posting a “Ramp-Up” Homework running template for those preparing for any “Grand” running adventures this fall.  The first 6 weeks will be all about building a mileage base and climbing strength.  These runs should preferably be done with at least an hour of rest after Outlaw… recover and hydrate.  Top priority is the weekly “long run”, which ideally should be run on trail with hills.  Speaking of hills, we’ll have a weekly hill repeat session… wear a weight vest or heavy pack.  Another thing to think about is getting heat-acclimated, if you’re an Outlaw, Tuesday afternoon WODs at the box when it’s a thousand degrees are recommended.  Get comfortable being uncomfortable.



1)  EMOM for 3 sets 5x Tall-Snatch @empty bar

2)  EMOM for 5 sets.  2x Snatch from Blocks.  AHAP


15min to est new 1RM HBBS.


10min AMRAP

100m OH Plate carry @ 45/25#

5x MUp or 10x Pullup

10x Burpee

5x HSPU or 10sec HS Hold

GC Prep 

6 miles easy



140530 – Class of 2014

Every year I get the chance to work with some outstanding young people… some of them I’ll remember forever.  Any teacher will tell you that it’s a “thankless-job” most of the time.  Unlike most other professions, you may wait years to see the result of your efforts, most times never.  Can’t imagine spending my time doing anything else more important though.  Now as Alice Cooper says…



1) E2MOM for 3 sets.  3-Position Snatch (mid-hang, @knee, 1″ from deck).  Med-Heavy ~75%.

2) E2MOM for 3 sets. 3-Position Clean (mid-hang, @knee, 1″ from deck) + 1x Push-Jerk. 75%.


3x attempts to set new 1RM Deadlift


“1/2 Tommie Mac”

For time:

12x Burpees
12x Thruster 115/75#
12x Burpees
12x Power Snatch 115/75#
12x Burpees
12x Push Jerks 115/75#
12x Burpees
12x Hang Squat Clean 115/75#
12x Burpees
12x OHS 115/75#

CFV Friday WOD


10x HSPU

15x Deadlift @250/175#

25x Box Jump 30/24

50x Pullup

100x Wallball 20/14

200x DUers

400m run with plate 45/25#


Young Guns 2.0


What – An intense strength and conditioning program to build sport specific skills and elite fitness using CrossFit methodology.

What we’ll do – Camp activities will include lifting, carrying, running, throwing, climbing, and jumping. Safety and proper technique of the Olympic and power lifts will be taught, while increasing your strength, power, agility, speed, and stamina using constantly varied high-intensity functional athletic movements. Athlete to coach ratio will be small so you will have lots of personal one-on-one coaching by CrossFit certified personnel. Nutrition and hydration will also be stressed to maximize your potential.

What we won’t do – The focus of this camp is to develop strength, stamina, and explosive power that will carryover into other athletic situations. Although every training session will have a short conditioning phase, we will NOT run ourselves to death and lose all our hard-earned gains.

Who – Anyone… guys AND girls ages 14-19yrs old wanting to improve their fitness to prepare for fall sports.

Time – 2pm – 3:15pm… before it gets hotter than the surface of the sun.

Days – Mon, Wed, and Fri… with a weekly Saturday “homework” assignment.

Dates – June 2rd – July 25th a total of 20 sessions over 7 weeks. Note – Due to scheduling conflicts, the dates of 6/9, 11, 18, & 20 will be cancelled.

Where – CrossFit Veritas, 105 E. Industrial Blvd. Graham, TX

Price – $100

Contact – Wade Wilson – CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer @

940-782-5019                     wwilson0985@live.com

Or come by the gym and check us out. The truth hurts… but only a little.


140528 – 227 feet

This might be the best machine my kids have ever made.  They launched a large grapefruit 227 feet.  Slightly scary.  Bad video quality but pretty cool.



1) 15min to est 1RM snatch

2) 15min to est 1RM C&J


800m run

100x KB snatch (50x rh/50x lh anyhow) @53/35#

800m run

CFV Wednesday WOD

“Outdoor Toys”


10x KB Snatch @53/35

50x DUer

5x Tire flip/Jump thru.  AHAP

20x Hammer Blows (alt)

200m run




140526 –


140523 – If a house gets in my way…

I can name that tune in 2 notes.  Turn it UP!

Jabe and I are headed to San Antone to watch the South Central CF Regionals and hanging with Sharpie.  Wish me luck.

Outlaw… last WOD of the Power-Cycle.  Next week, we test.


1)  10min to work up to 80%+ Snatch.  Be PERFECT.

2) 10min to work up to 80%+ C&J.  Be PERFECT.


1x20x UB HBBS @70+% of 1RM (not training max).

Note – This will be awful but moving heavier weights for multiple reps is what this cycle was intended.  Rock bottom each rep, bounce out of bottom, no pause at top.  If you have done this before, add 10-20# to your best performance.  Go to a Dark Place and get the work done.

“If you do a legit 20 rep max back squat, at some point Jesus WILL talk to you.”  Rip

Durability – not AFAP… just get it done.

E30S for 5min (55x total).  5x Burpee

CFV Friday WOD


5RFT of…

5x Powerclean @135/95#

10x Front Squat

5x Jerks

20x Pullup

90 sec rest

